Monday, June 23, 2008

Mutant Babies and Industrial Arts

Today's puns are, once again, brought to you by Year 11 English.

We started a unit of Love & War poetry today, and I played them "I was Only 19" by Redgum. SUCH an amazing song! But completely beside the point. Anyway, we were discussing Agent Orange and its adverse effects, and one of the boys said "Yeah, you might have a baby and they might have, like, 6 arms or something"

"yeah... but that would be... HANDY" was my response.

Not much laughter, but when I repeated it a few minutes later, they laughed, despite themselves.

We ended up in an off topic discussion about other school subjects, and I said that they might like to think they could do their woodwork homework in English class.

The same kid with the Agent Orange mutant baby comment piped up with a very quiet:
"Yeah. That would work"


Saturday, June 21, 2008

The vacuum, the plumber and the turtle

The classroom affords me MANY opportunities for punishments!

While doing a unit on song lyrics with Year 10, two well meaning emo girls were pestering me to listen to a song by My Chemical Romance on their i-pod. And I would rather stab my own eyes out with a pen than willingly listen to MCR... so I told them I had already heard the song.

"How have YOU heard it??!?" they demanded in a most acusatory-you-don't-understand-youth-culture kind of way.

"I don't live in a vacuum, you know!" was my response.

"I lived in a vacuum!" interjected the overly vocal Boy From The Front Row (who loves the sound of his own voice very much. I hear he and the sound of his own voice are planning to elope soon).

"That would suck!"

Nobody laughed. Except for me. I laughed. Loudly. And hard. They all groaned. Which I found even more delightful!

The same class, a few weeks later (this week, in fact), and we are now looking at the media. We were discussing who reads the SMH and who reads the DT. And so of course we talked about plumbers.

The Lippy Cool Kid With An Opinion On Everthing piped up.
"You shouldn't become a plumber. Unless you have your own business. Otherwise you don't earn nearly enough money. It's a shit job"

Now usually I don't stand for bad language in my class (which of course is the biggest joke of all, what with me being the original potty mouth sailor girl), but I couldn't help cracking up laughing at this unintended pun.

But nobody else in the class got it. Not straight away, anyway. Even the punk who spoke it had to have it explained to him.

And what's more, I used it as a part of my lesson in Year 11 and gave a chocolate reward to the person who identified it as a technique!!

This weekend, I had Karms to stay (which was just so lovely!!) and we were discussing her boyfriend and his pun-loving girlfriend, Michelle.

They went to an Animal dress up party, (it was her idea) with him piggy-backing her in, and when someone asked what their costume was, he said "I'm a turtle. And this is me shell!"

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Veging out again

Some may say that my 21st season should be past. Some would probably be right. But due to circumstances of returning to the fountains of youth (read: Baxter), it seems I have stumbled into 21st Season: The Sequel.

So I headed out to Gunnedah this weekend (where I got spat on by a guy at the pub having only been there 15 minutes. He was aiming for the girl on the other side of me, and he very helpfully and awkwardly mushed his drunken hand into my hair by way of an apology.

Then, a few hours later he sat at the table to crack on to Em, and I delighted in taking the piss out of him, in a rather merciless fashion. And when he said "aww, i wissshh i was back in Cairns" my reply was, "Well, we're not in Cairns any more, Toto!) for Katie's 21st. And as is the requirement of overnight guests at 21st, we all mucked in to help with the preparations, which of course means Salad Central.

Anyway, Katie was carving and curling the celery, and after slicing the cucumber, I requested another job.

She handed me the shallots, and said "Here, you can be shallot girl"

To which I replied (of course):

"You mean I can be the Lady of Shallot!??!"

I don't think it beats "Escapea" or "You've been naughty", but as far as Vege puns go, I would just like to welcome it into the crisper.