Sunday, June 15, 2008

Veging out again

Some may say that my 21st season should be past. Some would probably be right. But due to circumstances of returning to the fountains of youth (read: Baxter), it seems I have stumbled into 21st Season: The Sequel.

So I headed out to Gunnedah this weekend (where I got spat on by a guy at the pub having only been there 15 minutes. He was aiming for the girl on the other side of me, and he very helpfully and awkwardly mushed his drunken hand into my hair by way of an apology.

Then, a few hours later he sat at the table to crack on to Em, and I delighted in taking the piss out of him, in a rather merciless fashion. And when he said "aww, i wissshh i was back in Cairns" my reply was, "Well, we're not in Cairns any more, Toto!) for Katie's 21st. And as is the requirement of overnight guests at 21st, we all mucked in to help with the preparations, which of course means Salad Central.

Anyway, Katie was carving and curling the celery, and after slicing the cucumber, I requested another job.

She handed me the shallots, and said "Here, you can be shallot girl"

To which I replied (of course):

"You mean I can be the Lady of Shallot!??!"

I don't think it beats "Escapea" or "You've been naughty", but as far as Vege puns go, I would just like to welcome it into the crisper.

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